Well-Known Member
What is the difference, they both say the debt was £30. But to be honest it wouldn't matter if it had been more, it was still the wrong way to do it.
And to those who think it was humane. Tell me how this mad horse which was rearing and striking out and injuring people (according to the yard owner) suddenly stood still and let them shoot it. Doesn't add up, although it might do if the reports of many other injuries as well as the bullet are true
The RSPCA report is that there were no other injuries.
Plenty of horses that are absolutely crazy when you try to lead them are as calm as a millpond away from the lorry
I'm not saying any of this was good or right. I just don't think we have the whole story about the loaner, other than that she moved the horse there on the understanding that it was payment in advance and then point blank refused to pay a penny.
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