Facebook - Horse shot by livery owner


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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from beckie warner:

"Cooper Wilson shot her for no reason other than could not load her. He looks after rspca horse that reside at the gg centre he gets paid to do it. A lot of gypsy horses got shot cz they couldn't move them within an hour he shot them. The gypsys we're going crazy and snapped both his ankles. He shot another and took it to a garden in strensal a few years ago. I'd been there 2 weeks and spoke to his mother an hour before to say was bringing £30 around Friday and she said fine. He had other ideas of bringing to garden but went wrong. Into a cattle trailer come on she is 16.3. Not the size if a cow. No headcollar tried to chase her in. Doesn't load well anywhy. No wonder she went crazy. Poor girl. The rspca are up laytons arse as the rspca is a homing centre for 200+ horses and he will kick them off if they say anything out of term about him"

source - facebook

So neither of the people arrested were the YO.

Yes, lovely, so why if she knew all that did she not pay the man what she had agreed to?

Grumpy Herbert

Well-Known Member
27 March 2007
Nowhere, middle of....
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As stated earlier do NOT be fooled by the pretty pictures on the establishments website which are very old and no where near a true representation of the facilities and what its like there. Decent establishments DONT house RSPCA horses with strangles and other diseases and also double up as a public access facility......basically putting horses at risk all over the area. As stated before the RSPCA have a VERY heavily vested interest in this property so any comments they make at all on this case should be taken with a pinch of salt. And its wholly inappropriate, biased and unprofessional that they are there reporting on the case at all.

I dont give two figs wether the girl paid or didnt pay or wether it was £30 or 30k. It still leaves absolutely NO excuse to destroy a healthy horse, load it in a tractor bucket and dump it over someones lawn hedge in the pitch black night.

This has got my blood absolutely boiling.

Well said. Good to hear what it's like there from people like you and Smurf's Gran who actually know the place and the YO.

Smurf's Gran

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8 April 2012
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Whatever the law does or doesn't do, I can hardly imagine that anyone wants to be a livery on his yard any more. He should be driven under, and his yard retain such a reputation that no liveries would even consider using him.

Unfortunately, the facilities are fantastic and the livery rates very reasonable. I'm sorry to say that people will creep back :(

Big Ben

Well-Known Member
11 October 2012
On the frozen prairies
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As a business owner, we farm, we do custom/contract work at times for people, there are times when we do not get paid, there are times when we can't pay, we do not have regular incomes, I get that in this world things happen.

What I can't get my head around is this happening at all, but more so 3 weeks into the horse being there. I WOULD understand, the YO explaining that they aren't a charity, they need paying, but somehow setting a date at the end of the month, when people on salary could expect to be paid, give me my money by then or you are out, that I get. Taking the horse around and dumping it in the garden after that time and saying "here you go" I can understand. I just do not get shooting the horse, do not get it at all.

Just out of interest, I'm guessing, because I don't know, that if he had just taken the horse off of his property and turned it loose he would be facing a bigger legal problem, something around endangering others, abandoning livestock, or something rather than shooting the horse.

I am also totally baffled how anywhere along the line it is OK to kill an animal without even contacting the rightful owner.....this world is just too crazy


Well-Known Member
13 April 2008
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I stand by my point they I cannot believe some people are new part of justifying this mans reaction. Yes £30 is a debt- but it's still £30! Shooting and dumping the poor horse is in no way a reasonable response to that- or any amount for that matter! If he felt, after 3 weeks, that an abandonment notice should be served then fair enough. I do hope all the liveries leave, what a terrifying place to keep your pride and joy 😓


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13 November 2006
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Yes he would have been liable if he tied the horse to her garden fence and it had gotten free and caused an accident.

I think thats his ' excuse ' for shooting it.


Well-Known Member
18 December 2010
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If it is the ac that shot her, just confirms my view that ac's are charlatans that rip people off.

There is now a Facebook group called close down gg centre, not that it's going anywhere with the rspca's money behind it.

Totally agree that the rspca should be no part of the investigation given their vested interest.


Well-Known Member
30 April 2009
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What gets me on this horrific case is how they are going to justify shooting the horse?

She wasn't theirs, there is no question of a catastrophic injury that meant PTS was the only humane option.

Yes, there was a debt linked to the horse but I've always understood that there is a clearly defined procedure in civil law to deal with a situation like that involves a paper trail and results in the person who is owed money taking ownership of the property in a relatively short time... a matter of weeks rather than months once the process is started.

Annoying and irresponsible as the loaner was, this could all have been avoided by simply not letting the horse onto the premises without the livery upfront - by the looks of things this is a biggish yard which allegedly has livery contracts so why wasn't cash/cheque handed over when that is signed BEFORE the horse set hoof on the place?

The vindictiveness of these YOs is outstanding - I really hope that Kits owner has the means and determination to go after them with all legal means possible and although I very rarely say things like this I, for one would be happy to support a crowd funding initiative to enable her to do so if she felt able.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2014
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I stand by my point they I cannot believe some people are new part of justifying this mans reaction. Yes £30 is a debt- but it's still £30! Shooting and dumping the poor horse is in no way a reasonable response to that- or any amount for that matter! If he felt, after 3 weeks, that an abandonment notice should be served then fair enough. I do hope all the liveries leave, what a terrifying place to keep your pride and joy 😓
I haven't seen anybody trying to justify the GG centre's actions. However, Ms Warner is responsible for this as much as the GG Centre, yet she is now playing the victim to the press. If she paid up front, like she was supposed to, then the horse would still be alive. This is a fact.

There are some people that should not be allowed to keep animals. Ms Warner and the people running the GG Centre both fall into this category.

Dry Rot

Well-Known Member
31 May 2010
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Dry Rot, it has been confirmed the horse had only been on the yard for 3 weeks, £10 a week, hence the £30. And although I agree that she was wrong in not paying up, it doesn't excuse the actions of the people concerned. To be honest nothing she could have done would. The only possible reason would have been horse welfare and apparently the horse was in good health. The owner is trying to say it was neglected because it didn't have a rug. FFS how many others which aren't clipped and in work are still out without rugs.

Nowhere have I tried to excuse the YO for his actions. I am just trying to fight my way through the morass of hysteria to deal with the facts and the law as it stands.

You say "it has been confirmed" that the debt is £30. By who? Are you saying I should believe everything I read in the newspapers?

We don't know the terms of the livery agreement.

Leave it to the courts and if you don't like the law, write to your MP or sign a petition, I believe there is one. But I will not condone trial by media especially when the public response is fuelled by emotion.


Well-Known Member
13 April 2008
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I haven't seen anybody trying to justify the GG centre's actions. However, Ms Warner is responsible for this as much as the GG Centre

Um, no. She's responsible for the 'debt' (such as it was). The centre is responsible for killing and dumping the horse. The responsibility may be shared, but in no way equally!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2014
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Um, no. She's responsible for the 'debt' (such as it was). The centre is responsible for killing and dumping the horse. The responsibility may be shared, but in no way equally!

She knew that this place has a history of shooting horses (as per her own comments on facebook)
She was told that she must pay up front and was adamant that she would not do this
If she had paid, the horse would still be alive.

Those are the facts.


Well-Known Member
10 March 2008
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I cannot follow all of this thread. Am I right in believing that Cooper Wilson was the one who shot the horse?

I had to look in my email box, but have had contact with this man, recommended to me by a CB breeder in the UK after a stallion she bred showed no interest in covering our mares. She said he had been traumatised and this man could help...he wanted a photo and details of what the horse had to eat. We had already had stallion seen by a vet blood tested etc.

My current boy loves his work!!!


New User
16 October 2014
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It makes me wonder If the loaner could not afford to pay the basic livery costs that were incredibly cheap anyway how on earth could she afford to look after the horse properly , including basics such as shoeing and worming especially throughout the impending winter.??
Horse owners need to be very careful who they loan their horses too. Vetting should include asking about the loaners ability to give a financial commitment to the horse.
Very sad state of affairs... Poor horse has paid the ultimate price.
In the meantime The GG centre needs shutting down and the RSPCA subsequently need to get the hell out of there if they are to salvage any credibility for themselves.


Well-Known Member
10 March 2008
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from beckie warner:

"Cooper Wilson shot her for no reason other than could not load her. He looks after rspca horse that reside at the gg centre he gets paid to do it. A lot of gypsy horses got shot cz they couldn't move them within an hour he shot them. The gypsys we're going crazy and snapped both his ankles. He shot another and took it to a garden in strensal a few years ago. I'd been there 2 weeks and spoke to his mother an hour before to say was bringing £30 around Friday and she said fine. He had other ideas of bringing to garden but went wrong. Into a cattle trailer come on she is 16.3. Not the size if a cow. No headcollar tried to chase her in. Doesn't load well anywhy. No wonder she went crazy. Poor girl. The rspca are up laytons arse as the rspca is a homing centre for 200+ horses and he will kick them off if they say anything out of term about him"

source - facebook

So neither of the people arrested were the YO.

For Stencil face


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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There are too many petitions flying about. There needs to be ONE petition on gov.uk to change the law in who can shoot a horse, and why. I personally think that a vet should be the ONLY person to be able to shoot a horse, and MUST have the passport or if they can't they must get permission from a board of trustees, and by that i mean maybe just one other vet to agree the animal NEEDS pts. If someone takes a horse to the meat man a vet has to be there, so why not if they just want rid of it? I get that loads of hunts men shoot horses and its handy to have them on a hunt, but i still think a vet should be there - even if it costs the hunt money to get vet to follow.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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There are too many petitions flying about. There needs to be ONE petition on gov.uk to change the law in who can shoot a horse, and why. I personally think that a vet should be the ONLY person to be able to shoot a horse, and MUST have the passport or if they can't they must get permission from a board of trustees, and by that i mean maybe just one other vet to agree the animal NEEDS pts. If someone takes a horse to the meat man a vet has to be there, so why not if they just want rid of it? I get that loads of hunts men shoot horses and its handy to have them on a hunt, but i still think a vet should be there - even if it costs the hunt money to get vet to follow.
I have had several horses shot at home over the years, never had a vet there and neither should there be a need, a riduculous idea, very few licenced horse slaughterers would have behaved as the one at the GG centre did.


Well-Known Member
8 April 2010
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There are too many petitions flying about. There needs to be ONE petition on gov.uk to change the law in who can shoot a horse, and why. I personally think that a vet should be the ONLY person to be able to shoot a horse, and MUST have the passport or if they can't they must get permission from a board of trustees, and by that i mean maybe just one other vet to agree the animal NEEDS pts. If someone takes a horse to the meat man a vet has to be there, so why not if they just want rid of it? I get that loads of hunts men shoot horses and its handy to have them on a hunt, but i still think a vet should be there - even if it costs the hunt money to get vet to follow.

Hunts men and knacker men are the only people I would want to shoot a horse and in an emergency there might not be enough time to get a vet there if a horse is to be shot!


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6 November 2013
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I agree she's playing the victim and should have paid on time. However it seems she had been speaking to one of the people running the yard (the wife/mother) who may (saying may instead of did as no proof) have agreed for her to bring round the money on Friday - which is today, two days after the shooting.

As far as I can tell timeline goes: she receives call threatening to put horse (alive) on her lawn if no payment. As YO has said he couldn't get through I am assuming a voicemail but this is speculation.
She calls yard and gets wife, says she will bring money on Friday in two days time.
Yard owner goes to field, allegedly attempts to load horse into cattle trailer without a headcollar on and in failing to do so shoots horse. Delivers horse via jcb to garden.

So yes she didn't pay but apparently (and by her own word currently unverified) she did contact the yard to agree a date for payment - this is the point when any other yard owner would have waited two days to se if payment was forthcoming.

The whole thing is insane. I wish I could have transcripts of the conversations the rspca are having about it, lol! World Horse Welfare need more powers.


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4 August 2004
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Sebastian - don't be so silly of course I'm not defending the girl who didn't pay the rent. I was merely stating that despite wether she owed £30 or 3k it makes absolutely no difference as to wether the men in question were right to shoot a perfectly healthy horse which didn't belong to them, load it in a tractor bucket, drove to through the village and dump it on her front lawn.

This is real life were dealing with here not the 'Godfather' and if these guys get away scot free with what they have done what do you think that means for equines all over the country wether they are owned by irresponsible owners or not. You can't just take the law into your own hands, shoot horses and dump them in gardens!

My point was stated merely for horse welfare. Not to defend the loaner/owner or whoever.

I can't believe people haven't picked up on the RSPCA and how unprofessional their 'reports' are seeing as they are highly biased to this place. But having said that considering they house diseased horses on what is a public facility says a lot to be honest....

I look forward to seeing the vets report to see if it tallys up with their story.......

Smurf's Gran

Well-Known Member
8 April 2012
Gods own country
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I haven't seen anybody trying to justify the GG centre's actions. However, Ms Warner is responsible for this as much as the GG Centre, yet she is now playing the victim to the press. If she paid up front, like she was supposed to, then the horse would still be alive. This is a fact.

There are some people that should not be allowed to keep animals. Ms Warner and the people running the GG Centre both fall into this category.

They're nor exactly comparable though are they??? one owes a £30 bill, and the other shoots a horse and dumps it in the owners garden Godfather Style, and they are both as responsible?? how does that work then ? I really don't get your logic