Well-Known Member
My husband…
A few weeks ago we had someone coming fix our kitchen blind. House dogs were in. I was working upstairs, he let bloke in who then asked to borrow a stepladder. He went out, leaving the dogs in the house, to get the ladder. I heard growling and hastened down to find Ffee was very worried about this strange man in the house and had gone all guardy.
Today, I was out and someone came to look at the gas fire. After the guardy incident I had nagged and nagged just to put the dogs in the kennels when workmen are here. He didn’t bother, man swung round to stroke Pen and she went for him. Didn’t actually bite but a proper threat yell ( by the sound of things). More words. Man’s an idiot.
I feel your pain. Mines the same. No bloody common sense at all. The really really annoying thing is that he lets the jrt speak to any dog they meet on their walks. DRIVES ME CRAZY
I've tried telling him why it's no good but he says I'm being mean. Yeh right. the next person I'm going to be mean to is him!!
Now if he has to walk the dog he's sent on walks where the chances of meeting anyone is practically nil.