Thank you. Just looked it up ?This has also made it onto 'Angry people in local newspapers' on facebook. All publicity is good publicity!
In an email dated 12 April 2021 Mrs Barker-Knott advised that in the past week they had seen three Great Crested Newt Triturus in their garden and believed their pond was a nesting ground. They had an expert coming to carry out a site assessment and she felt this may have a bearing on the decision as the close proximity of their pond to a public right of way may endanger this species.
In an email dated 12 April 2021 Mrs Barker-Knott advised that in the past week they had seen three Great Crested Newt Triturus in their garden and believed their pond was a nesting ground. They had an expert coming to carry out a site assessment and she felt this may have a bearing on the decision as the close proximity of their pond to a public right of way may endanger this species.
Just an update. Gates still in situ. On Sunday I hacked past and my friend got off Joker to open the gate. Michelle came flying out of her house. Cameras everywhere. She tried to block and then slammed gate on his side. Council have told us to keep using the lane as it’s not hers. But I rarely do now as it’s a horrid experience. But it’s a nice one to do in the winter. Anyway .. signs of a DMMO went up today. Which is fabulous news. Michelle immediately ripped them off!
Definitive Map Modification Order. It’s to make the public aware that the ancient lane will be officially put on the register and given a title. As a Registered Byway. If there are any complaints …. And there will only be one … the owner…. Then it may go to the Bristol council.Sounds like a ‘still’ hideous situation.
What’s a DMMO?
Has your friend reported the assault to the police and council?
If she is deliberately assaulting people and destroying the notices, then it needs reporting to the police, as assault and criminal damage. They may not take action, but a record will be kept of all the incidents.