The SNP and Mrs Nicola Sturgeon


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5 March 2010
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No daylight, no natural air all the air recycled with oxygen added but no smells taken out.
I don't recall there being any particular unpleasant whiffs, but then the sub was in wet dock at the time. I'm sure they pass the air through charcoal filters (or similar) these days to remove odorants.

You're right about tiny quarters. I'm not particularly claustrophobic but would find being stuck inside for days on end tedious in the extreme.


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28 March 2011
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I don't recall there being any particular unpleasant whiffs, but then the sub was in wet dock at the time. I'm sure they pass the air through charcoal filters (or similar) these days to remove odorants.

You're right about tiny quarters. I'm not particularly claustrophobic but would find being stuck inside for days on end tedious in the extreme.

My brother served on one for years apparently they all stank of recycled air when they came back after a tour .
It's was a very particular smell and when you think they used to smoke on board at one time it must have been horrible .
My SIL has some great stories from their days at Faslane and some not so nice ones she had the misfortune to sound very English .


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7 June 2014
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ybcm, I didnt know it was The Gareloch, we spent a week there many years ago ! I can remember seeing loads of jellyfish and and couldnt work out how they got there ! Didnt see the submarines though !

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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…….. , maybe Germany, a country in the Free West, should be encouraged and helped to join us in acquiring a Trident-like capability too. We could even share the costs and the benefits.


You raise a pertinent point. There's also a parallel point to be made; With Britain's and America's Middle Eastern Meddling, ostensibly to stabilise the supply and price of oil, just how many EU members have put in any meaningful or worthwhile effort? ALL of the EU has benefited from sustainable oil prices, and have done so by the efforts of others.

If the above's accepted, we also have to wonder what sort of situation would Germany get in to and one which would need nuclear support. I also wonder if Germany (and I'm only using them as an example) would expect to make use of our nuclear capability, whilst not in any way contributing to the cost. Would they need a nuclear defence programme? Of course they wouldn't, they've done nothing to piss off the ME but have benefited and substantially, from the fact that we have!



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30 January 2015
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ybcm, I didnt know it was The Gareloch, we spent a week there many years ago ! I can remember seeing loads of jellyfish and and couldnt work out how they got there ! Didnt see the submarines though !

The jellyfish were amazing! I still have nightmares about them. After every particularly high tide the most enormous (to a ten year old) ones were always left stranded on the beach.


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18 June 2010
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Sturgeon now has no alternative but to resign. I shall not indulge in any schadenfreude, other than to say she has failed concerning Europe, Independence and Trident.

'Three strikes and you are out'.

"STURGEON'S EUROPE DREAM IN TATTERS: Scotland 'WILL' have to leave EU with rest of UK

NICOLA Sturgeon’s hopes of Scotland being able to veto the historic EU referendum vote for Brexit are lying in tatters.

PUBLISHED: 21:01, Tue, Jul 19, 2016 | UPDATED: 22:28, Tue, Jul 19, 2016

The Daily Express has learnt that a meeting between Scottish Ukip MEP David Coburn and European Parliament President Martin Schulz has confirmed that Scotland will have to leave the EU with the rest of the UK.

It came after the SNP First Minister had held meetings with senior EU figures to try to get a separate Scottish deal from the Brexit talks after a majority of Scots voted to Remain.

And Ms Sturgeon also claimed over the weekend that Scotland is “in a strong position” to block Brexit.

But it is understood that during the meeting with Mr Coburn, Mr Schulz confirmed that Scotland cannot remain a member of the EU if the UK leaves, putting an end to the halfway compromise suggested by the SNP.

'Scotland could STAY': Sturgeon amid threat to call referendum by 2017
You DON'T have a veto Nicola: May to slap down Sturgeon over attemp...
He also said that he met Ms Sturgeon as “a matter of courtesy” and because “it is one of his duties” to meet regional government heads.

He is also said to have confirmed Scotland would have to apply as a new member of the EU if it becomes an independent state, but this would have to happen after the UK leaves.

The meeting has put an end to claims being made that Scotland could veto the UK’s departure after a clear majority of voters backed Brexit.

Sturgeon and May
Nicola Sturgeon recently met with Theresa May to discuss Scotland's future
It also appears to end speculation Scotland could leave the UK and remain part of the EU before Brexit is achieved.

An EU source has also suggested that as a new member Scotland would be asked to join the Euro and Schengen free travel area, not get its share of the UK’s current rebate and would have to share its fishing waters with other EU members which would otherwise be liberated by Brexit.

Mr Coburn told the Daily Express: “President Schulz is no more interested in ‘Balkanising’ the UK than Great Britain is in ‘Balkanising’ the EU – especially Spain and the Baltic States.”

He said: “Scotland voted to Remain in the EU voting as the United Kingdom. We knew there would be a pan UK vote on Europe when we voted No in the [2014 independence] referendum.

Martin Schulz
A spokesperson for Mr Schulz has said it is not practice to comment on meetings with MEPs
“More Scots voted to Remain in the UK than voted to Remain in the EU and uncomfortably for the First Minister a third of SNP members voted to Leave the EU.”

He added: “She has no mandate for a second independence referendum and the SNP would undoubtedly lose.”

A spokeswoman for Mr Schulz said that it was not practice to comment on meetings with MEPs.

However, she said: “I can confirm the meeting [with the Scottish First Minister] was a matter of courtesy and it is his duty to meet with heads of regional governments from member states.”

Theresa May
Theresa May appeared to close the door on a Scottish option and second independence referendum
After her meeting with Ms Sturgeon in Scotland, new Prime Minister Theresa May also appeared to close the door on a Scottish option and a second independence referendum".
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Well-Known Member
5 June 2010
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There used to be a shop in Lochinver that served the best steak sandwich in the world. Driving through the Highlands to get there made this a truly heavenly experience.

The SNP want independence, they always have and NS will do whatever it takes to further that cause. Including an ill-advised trip to Brussels. She does have advisors and I'm sure they too were instrumental in her apparent about-turn on the repeal vote.

Was it all due to political posturing or were the Scottish Government backed into a corner by LACS? LACS were making a lot of noise in Scotland and went into overdrive as soon as repeal was on the table. We all know how manipulative they can be and maybe she just couldn't afford the distraction.

I always enjoy your posts J-M but all this wavering between NS's attractive pert bottom and apparent frightfulness is making you sound like a spurned suitor ;-)


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18 June 2010
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There used to be a shop in Lochinver that served the best steak sandwich in the world. Driving through the Highlands to get there made this a truly heavenly experience.

The SNP want independence, they always have and NS will do whatever it takes to further that cause. Including an ill-advised trip to Brussels. She does have advisors and I'm sure they too were instrumental in her apparent about-turn on the repeal vote.

Was it all due to political posturing or were the Scottish Government backed into a corner by LACS? LACS were making a lot of noise in Scotland and went into overdrive as soon as repeal was on the table. We all know how manipulative they can be and maybe she just couldn't afford the distraction.

I always enjoy your posts J-M but all this wavering between NS's attractive pert bottom and apparent frightfulness is making you sound like a spurned suitor ;-)

Fellewell that made me burst out laughing, to the extent the OH asked what was so funny. I had to tell a little white lie because even she does not know the I am JM.

Yes well the Pert bottom, something of a distraction. I prefer a nice tweed covering the ladies of Scotland, even if it is appropriately tailored.

You are probably right about LACS, but it goes to show how poor Sturgeon is in her very youthful judgment, because it's all going to come back and haunt her between now and the election of 2020.

That's assuming she does not resign very soon because of her serial failures.


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18 June 2010
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Yes yes yes.

"NO Brexit veto: Top legal chief DESTROYS Sturgeon & says UK WON'T be held to ransom

BRITAIN'S top law officer (The Attorney General Jeremy Wright) has destroyed the EU hopes of the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon by saying she will NOT get a veto on Brexit

PUBLISHED: 13:03, Thu, Jul 21, 2016 | UPDATED: 16:39, Thu, Jul 21, 2016*

Next: English Votes for English Laws

Followed by: Full Repeal of Hunting Acting 2004

It is really could happen

dibben suggest you tell your friend 'Nicola' to quit whilst she is ahead.
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18 June 2010
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We really cannot tolerate this total lack of patriotism.

Samuel Johnson said:

"He that wishes to see his country robbed of its rights cannot be a patriot"

Plainly he did not anticipate females, especially those with inappropriately tight skirts, that leave nothing to the imagination so far as underwear is concerned. No doubt a means of attracting a certain type of supporter.

I believe I saw an SNP lady sitting in the House of Commons wearing an ankle adornment/

Nicola Sturgeon's bid to BLACKMAIL UK with her FIVE demands to keep Scotland linked to EU

NICOLA Sturgeon was today accused of hiding behind the Brexit vote to stage another bid for independence.

PUBLISHED: 11:03, Mon, Jul 25, 2016 | UPDATED: 17:18, Mon, Jul 25, 2016

Scotland’s fishermen slap down Sturgeon’s dream to re-join EU

SCOTTISH fishermen have warned First Minister Nicola Sturgeon not to barter away the UK’s fishing rights in order to maintain trade and economic ties with Europe.

PUBLISHED: 08:01, Mon, Jul 25, 2016 | UPDATED: 08:47, Mon, Jul 25, 2016

Sturgeon will BREAK UP Britain if unionists fail to act on Europe

NICOLA Sturgeon is STILL searching for ways to break from the UK despite being warned her ideas are "impracticable".

PUBLISHED: 14:05, Mon, Jul 25, 2016 | UPDATED: 14:56, Mon, Jul 25, 2016

'Stop this nonsense' Ukip MEP blasts Nicola Sturgeon & speaks for Scots who DID vote LEAVE

SCOTTISH Ukip leader David Coburn has blasted Nicola Sturgeon for “wasting her time” by desperately arguing against Brexit as he stood up for the 40 per cent of people in Scotland who ACTUALLY voted to break away from the crumbling EU.


98 per cent say NO to EU deal: Forget talks with Brussels and quit NOW, urges new poll

A NEW Daily Express online poll has revealed that 98 per cent of respondents - 3,548 people - want the historic Brexit vote to be enacted now instead of Britain being embroiled in months or years of talks with Brussels bureaucrats.


'I'll call a second independence referendum if Brexit weakens Scotland': Nicola Sturgeon issues warning as she condemns No.10 for failing to have a plan for quitting EU
Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon speaking at the conference of the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) think tank in Edinburgh where she says that she is "determined" to find options to protect Scotland's key interests during EU negotiations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday July 25, 2016. See PA story POLITICS EU. Photo credit should read: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire
Nicola Sturgeon also criticised what she described as a 'lack of leadership' from the UK Government and those leading the campaign to leave the EU in the days after the Brexit vote.
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2 May 2007
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'No but if she is really interested in Scotland, instead of the overly tight fitting pencil line skirts on her derriere, leaving nothing to the imagination, a nice Tweed would be far more appropriate.

Or indeed a pleated Kilt

Short heeled brogues etc.

If you are high profile it is easy to support a primary industry making cloth for which Scotland is famous, by wearing the fabric.

When I see that, we will know there is a measure of sincerity in NS'

Oh dear Judgemental, I do believe you are the reincarnation of Surtees :)


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7 November 2008
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As I said previously the UK vote for Brexit was all NSs Christmases rolled into one.

It was interesting when they asked some voters who voted for independence the first time how they would vote now. Those that voted to leave the EU said they would not support another independence vote if it was called just to stay in the EU. The point was also made that there is a lot of double standards wishing to leave what they have in the UK for even more tighter control from europe.
People of Scotland be very careful that you are not being led a certain way and fed bulls**t just to achieve somebodies political ambitions. Sometimes it takes somebody looking from outside to see the truth.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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You do know people are permitted to wear whatever they like, skirts and ankle adornments! Did you know that girls are even allowed to wear trousers these days.

do you not think that flagging that up as a supposed issue rather detracts from the point? and just makes you look like a knob quite frankly, but then you will insist on repeatedly quoting the daily express so I guess that shouldn't be a surprise.

It's nice that we have moved on from Nancy Astor wearing the same thing on a daily basis so that people stopped talking about what she wore...., like that was in anyway relevant to the issues.


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18 June 2010
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You do know people are permitted to wear whatever they like, skirts and ankle adornments! Did you know that girls are even allowed to wear trousers these days.

do you not think that flagging that up as a supposed issue rather detracts from the point? and just makes you look like a knob quite frankly, but then you will insist on repeatedly quoting the daily express so I guess that shouldn't be a surprise.

It's nice that we have moved on from Nancy Astor wearing the same thing on a daily basis so that people stopped talking about what she wore...., like that was in anyway relevant to the issues.

Well perhaps we need to turn our attention to other issues.

The question of these people from Scotland visiting London Brothels, Massage Parlors and Madams, whilst little wifey is tucked away in Scotland.

Which is synonymous with the EU 'routine' the convenience of French, German and Italian wifey being miles away whilst their spouses indulge in the Fleshpots of Brussels.

Sturgeon, 'you aint seen and heard nothing yet'

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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i can't actually believe the OP is still waffling on, I mean seriously trying to make your point with daily fail polls and express writings? Really? How honestly very very sad, you are now trying to increase your little bit of fame by stating that Scottish people visit brothels. How is this a mature argument? It's just immature and provoking, Surely you have pulled your head out of your ar$e at least once to look at a world globe and realise that England doesn't cover the whole thing. Making prostitution synonymous with trade agreements really shows your complete lack of understanding.

Honestly it's getting old and you are really just making a bigger t%@t out of yourself than normal. Just goes to show some people do not have a life. :rolleyes:
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30 July 2013
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You do know people are permitted to wear whatever they like, skirts and ankle adornments! Did you know that girls are even allowed to wear trousers these days.

Well I was absolutely horrified to see our new PM wearing a pair of red patent heels when she visited Bute House :eek: Doesn't she care at all about all those poor short-heeled brogue makers who'll be going out of business now?!


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18 June 2010
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J_m, now you've completely lost me with irrelevance, perhaps I'm just being thick! :D


Oh Alec you are such an inscrutable card of total innocence. Long chuckle.

When the cats at home, the mice will 'play away'.

Och I, wee dalliances with the ladies and flesh pots of London.

Shades of John Profumo and Christine Keeler.

So many temptations.

Wify or spouse tucked miles away. Blackbestie seems to think we rely exclusively on the Express and Mail.

We have other sources that fuel the rumor mill close to the seat of power.

Of course if one is going to be troublesome, one's personal conduct is monitored in the great wen.

You and I both know one never crosses hunting folk and expect to get away with it.

May be Blackbestie knows more than we do and is into damage limitation and or cover up?
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30 July 2013
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'Stop this nonsense' Ukip MEP blasts Nicola Sturgeon & speaks for Scots who DID vote LEAVE

SCOTTISH Ukip leader David Coburn has blasted Nicola Sturgeon for “wasting her time” by desperately arguing against Brexit as he stood up for the 40 per cent of people in Scotland who ACTUALLY voted to break away from the crumbling EU.

Just to put this into perspective - UKIP in Scotland currently has a grand total of about 600 members and falling steadily. Not a single MSP. And Mr Coburn is a bampot (OP, with your vast knowledge of Glasgow patter I'm sure you'll need no explanation).

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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No judgemental I'm afraid you are wrong, again might I add, but feel free to keep making up your conspiracy theories based on what people are wearing.

Well considering you keep posting links how else am I aware of what your sources are. If one crosses hunting folk??? Oh please I actually just spat tea across my living room at such a pompous and assuming statement :D:D I hunted and if my horse wasn't elderly I would be continuing to drag hunt. You lost the vote, deal with it, just as we have had to deal with the lot of you down south forcing us to comply when we don't want to, as clearly shown by the voting.

Honestly you are so deluded someone should be committing you :D :D


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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So the way I read it is that if only NS had stuck to her tartan and low-heeled brogues the scots wouldn't all be in brothels?


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18 June 2010
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I suspect JM's got a schoolmistress fetish, hence the obsession with tweed and sensible shoes.

I would not wish to take too much credit for the positive of this thread, namely the promotion of Tweed, as for Brogues, well let us go the whole way, with 30 denier stockings along with a stout stick. Not to mention vast quantities of Kiwi polish for the Brogues

Along with the Tartan

I have long since forgotten the accepted ratio of visitor numbers to advertising revenue but the current visitor count is 12,447. I dare say the Editor of Horse and Hound will not be disappointed.

So long as Sturgeon and the SNP are in post and there is no amelioration, so far as EVEL is concerned and the Hunting Act 2004, to bring it into line and mirror the Act in Scotland, I will waffle and waffle.
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I suspect that stout calves could be a prerequisite too! :D


The hem of the skirt well below the knee too.

Perhaps in inclement weather an old Gannex might be found with a jaunty trilby - LOL

Possibly to give a final finish, smoking one of those ladies long stemmed pipes - Exmoor Hunt was a very nice mixture but I suspect no more. Went rather well in a Falcon and didn't leave too much tar in the reservoir.
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Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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Dear God, now J_m seems to be displaying a preference for girls who smoke a pipe. Is there no depth of depravity to which he won't sink?

I worry for you, Judgemental.
