The SNP and Mrs Nicola Sturgeon


4 May 2016
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Does the OP have a grudge against the Scots? Or is it jealousy over our sense of fabulous fashion? Or is it one of those love/hate things where the Op has a massive hard on for Mrs Sturgeon and can't admit it? Very odd thread regardless :D


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2 May 2007
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' I suspect that stout calves could be a prerequisite too! '

Crikey, we are going down a whole new road here! Lock up your young beasties, just in case :)


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18 June 2010
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One is simply a bystander in the increasing controversy surrounding Sturgeon. But the headlines are endless and whilst there are those on this forum, who decry the Daily Express. Nevertheless there is 'no smoke without fire' and the latest this morning, is remarkable. I had given up posting or following over the last few days but there is clearly an issue.

"Sturgeon kicked in teeth as SNP's guardian plan for Scots ruled UNLAWFUL by Supreme Court

NICOLA Sturgeon has been left humiliated after the UK's highest court ruled the Scottish government's "named person" scheme is unlawful.

PUBLISHED: 09:50, Thu, Jul 28, 2016 | UPDATED: 10:28, Thu, Jul 28, 2016"

I really feel it would be in the interests of this young lady to quietly resign.

One Scots poster has said, "The truth about this woman, is in her aggressive arrogant attitude,same as Salmond. Both are giving Scotland a bad name !!"

That said, clearly she and the SNP by default gave the Tweed industry a kick in the teeth, when they contrived to sabotage the amendment to the Hunting Act 2004.

Let's be honest about this, the hunting and equine industries are one of the fundamental buyers of tweed jackets and clothing. Indeed it is generally expected wear in many show classes, notwithstanding in the hunting field.

Indeed the Wynstay commissioned their own tweed instead of pink or red coats because they perceived the latter to be provocative.

Oh yes, let's be frank, whisky and hunting...................need I say more.

In the interest of Scotland, a place I always enjoy visiting and socialising with various and sundry, it is time Sturgeon was evicted from BUTE House.

Ha BUTE, there's an irony.
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2 February 2011
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One is simply a bystander in the increasing controversy surrounding Sturgeon. But the headlines are endless and whilst there are those on this forum, who decry the Daily Express. Nevertheless there is 'no smoke without fire' and the latest this morning, is remarkable. I had given up posting or following over the last few days but there is clearly an issue.

"Sturgeon kicked in teeth as SNP's guardian plan for Scots ruled UNLAWFUL by Supreme Court

NICOLA Sturgeon has been left humiliated after the UK's highest court ruled the Scottish government's "named person" scheme is unlawful.

PUBLISHED: 09:50, Thu, Jul 28, 2016 | UPDATED: 10:28, Thu, Jul 28, 2016"

I really feel it would be in the interests of this young lady to quietly resign.

One Scots poster has said, "The truth about this woman, is in her aggressive arrogant attitude,same as Salmond. Both are giving Scotland a bad name !!"

That said, clearly she and the SNP by default gave the Tweed industry a kick in the teeth, when they contrived to sabotage the amendment to the Hunting Act 2004.

Let's be honest about this, the hunting and equine industries are one of the fundamental buyers of tweed jackets and clothing. Indeed it is generally expected wear in many show classes, notwithstanding in the hunting field.

Indeed the Wynstay commissioned their own tweed instead of pink or red coats because they perceived the latter to be provocative.

Oh yes, let's be frank, whisky and hunting...................need I say more.

In the interest of Scotland, a place I always enjoy visiting and socialising with various and sundry, it is time Sturgeon was evicted from BUTE House.

Ha BUTE, there's an irony.

Having read this post I have one question, what on earth are you on, the reason I ask is I want to make sure I never take it


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18 June 2010
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oh I dunno, there's a lot to be said for being that removed from reality.

That certainly hit the nail on the head, anybody who wants independence for Scotland and remain in the EU.

I feel so sorry for the majority of Scots, it is all so so sad. As for their leader in Scotland, well one cannot help feeling sorry for her too, obviously there are deficiencies that are painful.


4 May 2016
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Agreed! Neversaydie, you should be ashamed of yourself! :D


Why? Is it not a valid observation? ;) I mean I have just looked through 8 pages of posts full of minute details about a person that I would only notice myself if I was fixated on someone. So I stand by my observations which Everytime the OP post are just backed up more and more. :D ;)


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18 June 2010
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Why? Is it not a valid observation? ;) I mean I have just looked through 8 pages of posts full of minute details about a person that I would only notice myself if I was fixated on someone. So I stand by my observations which Everytime the OP post are just backed up more and more. :D ;)

The SNP lied and cheated to the House of Commons concerning English Votes for English Laws and mislead the House concerning their intentions so far as the proposed amendments to the Hunting Act 2004.

As far as I am concerned we have something no better than Unpatriotic 5th Columnists in our midst. God forbid we were at war, I for one would demand they are all rounded up and interned.

If you and others do not like what I am saying, I challenge you to complain to the Moderator.

Have a look at the exchange last week between Robertson and the Prime Minister.

Theresa May brutally slaps down SNP pleas to remain in EU at first PMQs

THERESA MAY ruthlessly ridiculed the Scottish National Party yesterday as she led her first Prime Minister’s Questions.



4 May 2016
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LOL :D Why in the hell would I complain to the moderator about someone making a first class T¥@t of themselves on an open forum. I mean there has to be one completely deluded, toilet paper reading, soapbox artist on a forum to provide us with our daily point and laugh :D and you sir are it. It's been very amusing I have to say. I'm not as well read as some of the people who are posting so perhaps that's why even as a Scot I'm not really bothered by the obvious barbs, I'm not a political animal either but I have to say it's been rather amusing none the less :D


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12 March 2010
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As far as I am concerned we have something no better than Unpatriotic 5th Columnists in our midst. God forbid we were at war, I for one would demand they are all rounded up and interned.

That's because you're an unreconstructed tory and think anyone who disagrees with you needs to be muzzled and/or locked up.

I challenge you to complain to the Moderator.

Anyone else got visions of JM slapping them in the face with a glove?


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18 June 2010
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LOL :D Why in the hell would I complain to the moderator about someone making a first class T¥@t of themselves on an open forum. I mean there has to be one completely deluded, toilet paper reading, soapbox artist on a forum to provide us with our daily point and laugh :D and you sir are it. It's been very amusing I have to say. I'm not as well read as some of the people who are posting so perhaps that's why even as a Scot I'm not really bothered by the obvious barbs, I'm not a political animal either but I have to say it's been rather amusing none the less :D

I will say exactly what I said to dibbin on 17 July and highlight that you have only been a member since May 2016.

From what I have seen of the SNP, good manners are not one of their strong points, oikishness springs to mind.

"The first point is that on this forum, particularly we never insult one another, it is consider"d very bad manners.

You are in Scotland, so I suppose we have to make allowances.

As I have said twice, the reason that I am for one, running with this subject is because of Sturgeon's blatant disregard for an agreement to stand aside from English votes for English laws, in particular the Hunting Act 2004.

1. The proposed changes under the Statutory Instrument, one of my passions, were to mirror exactly the Act in Scotland, therefore any changes in England and Wales made no difference whatsoever to Scotland.

2. David Cameron gave an undertaking to his supporters that he would amend the act accordingly. But the wee lass from Sky thought she would be clever and tell the SNP in the H of C how to vote, so the debate had to be pulled.

3. Where I come from in the West Country, the big herds of Red Deer are a major problem an it requires a full pack of hounds to effectively move them on. Off the small fields of grazing that are so important to not only all the livestock farmers but my own land for my horses etc. Notwithstanding all the hayledge that is made. Along with timber that damage such as Larch Pole Pine, much favored in Scotland.

4. The proposed changes would have facilitated the necessary arrangements.

5. Also by way of example, in the City if you Welch on an agreement, you are finished, persona non-grata. Your name is not taken on the commodity, stock and shipping exchanges etc. If the so called first minister cannot honor her agreement and her clear statement before the general election and during the campaign, the SNP would not become involved in any debate in the H of C concerning the 2004 Hunting Act. Then she is not a fit and proper person to occupy the position.

If she is capable of welching on a simple agreement not to participate in a debate, I dread to think what she might do in the unlikely event she took control of Scotland and away from the UK. I have the greatest doubts about her integrity".

In addition since that post there has been a litany of critical comments in the press generally concerning all things SNP, who are getting a very bad name for Scotland
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4 May 2016
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Well my membership means nothing, not as if I was born in May after all, your obsession with Mrs Sturgeon really is quite disturbing, I've dislike the last 5 prime ministers but heaven forbid I should procrastinate on what they wear, means I actually gave a fudge about them really. Talking about welching on deals?? Really using this to defend politics? Sweet heart let me educate you, this is at the heart of politics, how to promise something to get the vote then back out once you have it, every High ranking politician does it, not a surprise. As I said I'm not politically minded and I know these freely shown protocols, only the politically immature expect a politician to really keep their word. As for being Scottish let me tell you it isn't big on my agenda of chest beating, so when an uber-conservative pot-shotter tries to use it to get under my skin I'm afraid you're clutching at straws.

Im off now, JM's procrastination is scarily moving in the direction of Mrs S's knicker line and that is something I never want to contemplate ;)

The hard on comment still stands though ;)
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18 June 2010
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Well my membership means nothing, not as if I was born in May after all, your obsession with Mrs Sturgeon really is quite disturbing,

Strurgeon's obsession with Trident is very very disturbing

Sturgeon's obsession with Independence is very disturbing

Sturgeon's obsession with remaining in the EU is very disturbing

Sturgeon's obsession with undermining the UK government is very disturbing

Sturgeon's obsession with managing children on behalf of their parents is very disturbing

Sturgeon's obsession with wanting Scottish votes for English laws is very disturbing

Sturgeon's obsession with wanting to interfere with the Hunting Act 2004 is very disturbing

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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J_m old chum, Mrs Sturgeon is a politician, what did you expect? Did you expect someone with any level of integrity? Did you expect to find a person of their word? Did you honestly expect her to be any different from the rest? Few others did or do.



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18 June 2010
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J_m old chum, Mrs Sturgeon is a politician, what did you expect? Did you expect someone with any level of integrity? Did you expect to find a person of their word? Did you honestly expect her to be any different from the rest? Few others did or do.


Alec, you are right at that time a few weeks ago, that was then but this is now. I.e we have a new government and I believe Mrs May and her various appointments are straight.

Perhaps in my naive world of coming down with the last of the sweet innocence's

We want to see a straight government in Scotland and I am told the Scots are not happy about the way things are being run, especially the question of English Votes for English Laws.

I omitted one of Sturgeon's obsessions.

The obsession, so I am told by my Estate Agency sources in Scotland of wanting to sequester land and large agricultural and sporting estates by stealth. For ultimate ownership by the State. In my world that's Communism.

If that notion catches popular opinion in Scotland, it will spread south of the border, if she is allowed to get away with the plot.

I don't care what all these Scots acolytes of the SNP say on this forum, Sturgeon is a dangerous fanatic.


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28 March 2011
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Well I am in total agreement that NS's plans for the children of Scotland was the most creepy idiocy I have heard in a long time in a world filled with creepy and idiotic things .
It's a big heads up for the direction of travel in SNP policy, top heavy control of the population by the state .
Very very scary for those parents unfortunate enough to live in Scotland .
Happily the law got in the way of that nasty plan .


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18 June 2010
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Well I am in total agreement that NS's plans for the children of Scotland was the most creepy idiocy I have heard in a long time in a world filled with creepy and idiotic things .
It's a big heads up for the direction of travel in SNP policy, top heavy control of the population by the state .
Very very scary for those parents unfortunate enough to live in Scotland .
Happily the law got in the way of that nasty plan .

Exactly Goldenstar, I and my OH were aghast at the notion. If we lived in Scotland we were speculating as to how our (now grown up) children would have handled their handler.

First they would have had to had make friends with sundry terriers, who if so instructed might not have been too friendly, that would be the first hurdle, then the handler would have been invited to help with the mucking out along with tack cleaning. That's assuming they could find any of them in the first place!

What if the handler was an Anti, that would have been amusing probably have found something unmentionable in their vehicle.

No but seriously, everybody has to wake up to the very very dangerous people who are trying to control Scotland.


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12 March 2010
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Sorry, should have known better than to be anything other than completely crystal clear on this thread :p I just wondered if the "very dangerous people" that JM was warning us all against were those entered on the electoral roll of Scotland, or just the SNP. Or just anyone who doesn't agree with JM, I'm not completely certain how one qualifies as "very dangerous".


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28 March 2011
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Sorry, should have known better than to be anything other than completely crystal clear on this thread :p I just wondered if the "very dangerous people" that JM was warning us all against were those entered on the electoral roll of Scotland, or just the SNP. Or just anyone who doesn't agree with JM, I'm not completely certain how one qualifies as "very dangerous".

Well thinking that it's the right of the state to appoint a unrelated third party to interfere in the relationships between parents and children IMO qualifies you as a dangerous person .
So that's the SNP in the frame .
I am also really curious about who would wish to be one of these third parties and why .
It's seems a nasty position to be in .


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12 March 2010
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Well thinking that it's the right of the state to appoint a unrelated third party to interfere in the relationships between parents and children IMO qualifies you as a dangerous person .
So that's the SNP in the frame .
I am also really curious about who would wish to be one of these third parties and why .
It's seems a nasty position to be in .

To be honest the whole concept of the named person scheme is hideous and I don't know anyone who disagrees with that, Scot or otherwise. I can understand what they're trying to achieve but I don't think that's the way to do it.


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30 July 2013
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Well thinking that it's the right of the state to appoint a unrelated third party to interfere in the relationships between parents and children IMO qualifies you as a dangerous person .
So that's the SNP in the frame .
I am also really curious about who would wish to be one of these third parties and why .
It's seems a nasty position to be in .

The Children and Young People Act was passed in the Scottish Parliament by 103 votes to nil, so also had the support of Labour, Lib Dem and Green MSPs. And it doesn't look like the named person scheme is actually going away.

Genuine musing - if the scheme is really so awful, why does it have the support of:
Aberlour Childcare Trust
Action for Children
Alliance for Children’s Rights
Children 1st
Children in Scotland
One Parent Families Scotland
Royal College of Nursing
Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights
Scottish Childminding Association
Scottish Police Federation
Scottish Secondary Teachers Association


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28 March 2011
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The Children and Young People Act was passed in the Scottish Parliament by 103 votes to nil, so also had the support of Labour, Lib Dem and Green MSPs. And it doesn't look like the named person scheme is actually going away.

Genuine musing - if the scheme is really so awful, why does it have the support of:
Aberlour Childcare Trust
Action for Children
Alliance for Children’s Rights
Children 1st
Children in Scotland
One Parent Families Scotland
Royal College of Nursing
Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights
Scottish Childminding Association
Scottish Police Federation
Scottish Secondary Teachers Association

It's going away in the form it's in .
The Supreme Court ruled it was unlawful.
It's bad idea because it imposes on perfectly competent parents a system that interferes in their rights to parent their child as they wish .
The state sought to foist a busybody into that family with no thought as to if the parents wish it .
Most parents can bring up their kids perfectly well without the state meddling .