The SNP and Mrs Nicola Sturgeon


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When NI and Ireland compete together it's for Ireland, which is not part of team GB as you made out in your first response to me. It's all there in black and white, and anybody with even the most rudimentary grasp of English can read it.

You are seriously obnoxious. My post stated that the component parts of the UK sometimes compete as "team GB" which I also pointed out was inaccurate as it should be team UK to incorporate Northern Ireland and that we also compete as our individual parts England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Northern Ireland compete in some sports as NI (eg football) and in others as part of a united Ireland (eg rugby). I did not make out that Eire/Republic of Ireland was part of team GB, Ireland is a term that incorporates both Northern Ireland and Eire/Republic of Ireland, neither can lay total claim to it. So when you say its for Ireland then this is fine unless you are also using this term to relate solely to Eire/Republic of Ireland which you have.
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Irish gal

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28 August 2013
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Popsdosh the EU bailout of Ireland has very little to do with Scottish independence, in the same way that the Greek bailout has nothing to do with it, so I wonder why you bring it up, except perhaps to deflect from the debate.

And yes Ybcm, our corporation tax here has attracted big multinationals, exactly the types that all European capitals hope to attract as they bring in so much money and high level employment - just what any economy needs.

No doubt there's a great lesson in that for the Scots, and I must say it's interesting to see that in all the responses to my posts not one has picked up on Scotland's great attributes, which I discussed at length.

Posters have been writing about how the UK is like a family, well in healthy families members are happy to praise one another and celebrate their strong points, more dysfunctional ones do a lot of criticising. No wonder then that people often cut ties in those situations. And on that note I do think Edinburgh will make a smashing financial centre and alternative to London in an independent Scotland.

There's lots of interest from international companies in opening in Dublin post Brexit, a massive stock exchange, Bats Europe, has been weighing up a move according to the press in the last few days. But I think Edinburgh would be very well placed to provide an alternative in an independent Scotland in the EU.

It's great commercial history could be capitalised on. I imagine a campaign to woo companies based in London along the lines of 'Edinburgh - Cradle of Commerce, Gateway to Europe' could be seriously successful.

The economic spin off from companies locating there would be huge. We've seen a mini boom in Dublin, thanks to the Googles, Facebooks and their ilk. All those people have to be fed and watered and they have a lot of disposable income so there's a whole economy that flourishes around them.

Companies like that would bring a lot of money into an independent Scotland and contrary to what others have said about NS balancing the books, I doubt somehow they will be short of accountants to look after that money!

Anyway, we've no bank holiday here today, so I better press on. I will leave you guys to it.


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30 July 2013
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What I can't understand is that the SNP is fervently pro EU and anti UK when its level of power and choice is greater within the UK than it would be within the EU as an independent nation.

Because they believe than an independent Scotland in the EU would have more power than it currently has as part of the UK. Why is that so hard to understand?


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30 January 2015
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Because they believe than an independent Scotland in the EU would have more power than it currently has as part of the UK. Why is that so hard to understand?

Because it's impossible to see how that would be the case? For a start, Scotland would have to join the Euro. If they are to join the Euro, their desired socialist budget financed by debt will go straight out of the window. For a second, Scotland is tiny and will be a net taker from the EU purse. How much influence will that give them? What influence does Ireland have? They had an austerity budget imposed on them and their chief asset, low corporation tax, is soon to be removed from them. Ireland are told what to do by the EU just as Scotland would be.

Half of Scotland seem to live in some dream world where the EU will listen to them more than they perceive the UK&NI government does. Why would it?

Irish gal

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28 August 2013
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Of course an independent Scotland will have more power than it currently does Buddy's Mum, it will then have to abide by the rules of the EU. No great problem for the other nations, apart of course from Britain. Listening to the anti EU stuff here it's like we're on parallel universes. Do you realise that the rest of Europe, and indeed the world, is looking on bemused with media commentators analysing the completely biased Brexit coverage that went and continues to go on in Britain.
Ever thought of googling the New York Times - as I said, parallel universes!

Scotland Ybcm, doesn't need a whole pile of influence in the EU to be successful. If Scotland's tiny then spare a thought for Luxembourg - population 500,000 and doing very nicely, thanks. One of the highest standards of living in Europe, an international banking centre: and exactly what Scotland itself could become as an independent EU member, offering a gateway to EU trade, the position currently enjoyed by London. So what if it's subsidised by the EU, it will control its own affairs finally - the level of EU control couldn't possibly compare with that currently exercised by Westminister.

The EU isn't an empire Ybcm, it's a federation of states. Ireland isn't "told what to do", we abide by the rules of the club, that's what membership entails. We agreed to that austerity budget, it's controversial and there's a lot that could be said but that's beyond the scope of this post.

I have to say that when I read lines like that "low corporation tax" is Ireland's 'chief asset', I really struggle to find an explanation beyond the blindingly obvious. Why should I be surprised though, after a whole thread dedicated to running the Scots into the ground.

Of course that's how colonialism works and its operating here in this thread. Wow, it really is something to see! It goes something like this: for the UK to remain intact, providing the English with a bigger country, the Scots have to be convinced of their inferior status. That's done by constantly telling them that they couldn't manage, or as one poster put it - 'can't stand on their own two feet', that their leaders are useless, the country is a liability and it just couldn't survive without England to prop it up.

But just saying that is no good. No, the real magic happens when the Scots then internalise those beliefs and hold them as their own. And that folks is how the pretty world of colonisation works. That's not by opinion btw, it the accepted theory of colonisation now studied in academia. For anyone interested in the mental constructs that prop it up, and the mental toll it takes on host nations then psychiatrist Franz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth, is well worth the read.

There is nothing standing between the Scots and independence only their own self belief - which naturally is being done no favours on this thread!!

Because it's impossible to see how that would be the case? For a start, Scotland would have to join the Euro. If they are to join the Euro, their desired socialist budget financed by debt will go straight out of the window. For a second, Scotland is tiny and will be a net taker from the EU purse. How much influence will that give them? What influence does Ireland have? They had an austerity budget imposed on them and their chief asset, low corporation tax, is soon to be removed from them. Ireland are told what to do by the EU just as Scotland would be.

Half of Scotland seem to live in some dream world where the EU will listen to them more than they perceive the UK&NI government does. Why would it?


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30 January 2015
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Luxembourg was filthy rich, from being a tax haven, long before the EU ever existed. The EU is actively looking at how it can stop Luxemburg from helping companies like Paypal and Amazon avoid paying taxes to the rest of the EU members.

What is standing between Scotland and independence is a gigantic hole in their finances currently filled by other parts of the UK and borrowing. A budget defect currently estimated by the Institute of Fiscal Studies as three times that of the rest of the UK.

If the EU is run equally by its members, why is it reported in the serious press that negotiations for Brexit cannot start until the French and German national elections are complete? Why does Germany decide what happens to Greece? I could go on but you don't want to see what an undemocratic club it is that you are a member of.

Colonialist repression? How hilarious that you see it that way. Most of the people I know would love Scotland to push off and support themselves.
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There is nothing standing between the Scots and independence only their own self belief - which naturally is being done no favours on this thread!!

The SNP and the subject person are the issue on this thread, because she and her minions ratted on a deal over the Hunting Act 2004, in the context of English Votes for English Laws.

That said, the Scots have one or two fences to jump before they could consider Independence.

1. Rosyth


3.The necessary handouts from the Barnett Consequential Formula

4. The lack of foreseeable income from North Sea Oil

to name but a few

Sturgeon needs to think rationally and consider her long term position, particularly her perceived lack of patriotism.
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30 July 2013
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What is standing between Scotland and independence is a gigantic hole in their finances currently filled by other parts of the UK and borrowing. A budget defect currently estimated by the Institute of Fiscal Studies as three times that of the rest of the UK.

And why does Scotland have such a deficit in her public spending budget? Because the Scottish government is building new schools and hospitals and improving public transport. Shameful.

Most of the people I know would love Scotland to push off and support themselves.

:D And most of the Scots I know would quite like to have a chance to do just that.
If we're such a liability, ycbm, and you want rid of us so badly, why did our new PM do a Usain Bolt up to Edinburgh before she'd even unpacked at No. 10?


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30 January 2015
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And why does Scotland have such a deficit in her public spending budget? Because the Scottish government is building new schools and hospitals and improving public transport. Shameful.

:D And most of the Scots I know would quite like to have a chance to do just that.
If we're such a liability, ycbm, and you want rid of us so badly, why did our new PM do a Usain Bolt up to Edinburgh before she'd even unpacked at No. 10?

It's easy to build schools on borrowed money. Money that's able to be borrowed because of the strength of the economy outside Scotland. It's paying it back that's the problem and the rest of the country is paying the interest for you. Unfortunately we're nowhere near being able to start paying the capital back, it just keeps going up every single month.

Scotland voted overwhelmingly not to exit the EU. Are you complaining that efforts are being made to reconcile those differences?

I don't want rid of you but I do wish you'd stop complaining about how hard done by you are while you spend my taxes on things the English don't have, like free degree level education.
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7 November 2008
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Irish gal you must be so pleased with the EU today poking its nose into Irish tax affairs and telling the Irish government that they are breaking EU rules by letting all theses lovely multinationals off paying taxes. Money that could be used by the people of ireland.
If you think the EU bailout has nothing to do with Scotland they will head down exactly the same road you and Greece did spending what what you havent got because mummy EU will protect us thats fine till you push it to far and then your grounded.
I doubt your aware that the SNP budgets for Scotland shows huge deficits into the future and what is missing from these projections there is no money in these budgets for defence ,maybe they dont need any because who in their right mind would want to tangle with NS.
Whats more who in their right mind will lend them this money without the rest of the UK standing as security NS is not stupid and is fully aware that her only hope of staying afloat financially is attached to the UK however is using the independence vote as a bargaining chip which to her surprise is not as powerful as she thinks. The more she bleats on about it the more people south of the border say cut them, lose and let them get on with it. If we had a UK vote on scottish independence you would get it easily I dont know many south of the border that would want to keep you as we see the inequity that the agreement brings about.
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7 November 2008
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I am not anti Scot by the way ,its just that the unfairness of the formula allows a breed of politics that was kicked into touch years ago outside Scotland because it got the uk into huge debt and was unsustainable. We all know Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable in the UK however NS is to his left!!!!


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7 November 2008
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And why does Scotland have such a deficit in her public spending budget? Because the Scottish government is building new schools and hospitals and improving public transport. Shameful.

:D And most of the Scots I know would quite like to have a chance to do just that.
If we're such a liability, ycbm, and you want rid of us so badly, why did our new PM do a Usain Bolt up to Edinburgh before she'd even unpacked at No. 10?

Dont know what was said ! However NS has come down off her high horse a bit since ,I suppose the reason for that maybe she was put in her place. NS will find TM a more formidably adversary than the previous regime. Perhaps they just need a way for NS to save face ,whichever one shes using today!
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Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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And why does Scotland have such a deficit in her public spending budget? Because the Scottish government is building new schools and hospitals and improving public transport. Shameful.


And from where do you suppose that this funding originates? Is it from Scotland's own ability to raise the necessary funding? I'd be surprised. No one expects gratitude in any form, just an acceptance that Scotland cannot stand on it's own, without funding and assistance.



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And yes Ybcm, our corporation tax here has attracted big multinationals, exactly the types that all European capitals hope to attract as they bring in so much money and high level employment - just what any economy needs.

Well it appears that the EU (the one that doesn't influence the way things are run in Ireland) has declared the tax arrangement that Eire has with Apple as illegal under EU rules and that the back tax that may amount to somewhere in the region of 13bn Euros will need paying by Apple. apparently the Government of Eire / Republic of Ireland plan to appeal.

So the idea of an independent Scotland becoming some type of tax haven to attract business seems unlikely to be a workable one within the EU structure.


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Well it appears that the EU (the one that doesn't influence the way things are run in Ireland) has declared the tax arrangement that Eire has with Apple as illegal under EU rules and that the back tax that may amount to somewhere in the region of 13bn Euros will need paying by Apple. apparently the Government of Eire / Republic of Ireland plan to appeal.

So the idea of an independent Scotland becoming some type of tax haven to attract business seems unlikely to be a workable one within the EU structure.

Exactly Lizzie, it brings a whole new meaning to the notion of MacGoogle (Scotland) Ltd with their European Headquarters on Princes' Street Edinburgh :cool:

Irish gal

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28 August 2013
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Well it appears that the EU (the one that doesn't influence the way things are run in Ireland) has declared the tax arrangement that Eire has with Apple as illegal under EU rules and that the back tax that may amount to somewhere in the region of 13bn Euros will need paying by Apple. apparently the Government of Eire / Republic of Ireland plan to appeal.

So the idea of an independent Scotland becoming some type of tax haven to attract business seems unlikely to be a workable one within the EU structure.

Let's have a little chat about tax havens Lizzie, shall we? We'll call it tax havens 101.

Question: Where are the world's most notorious tax havens?

Answer: In British controlled territories. Yip that's right Lizzie those cute little British controlled tax havens like the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man and Jersey

How much money is involved? Tens of trillions, it is estimated.

You do raise an interesting point in a roundabout way though; there is a chance of Scotland being turned into a tax haven - that could happen by remaining in the UK. Let's face it, when it comes to tax havens no nation on earth has more form than Britain:) The last PM's own father made great use of them, surely you heard about that? Panama Papers, anyone? Oh I forgot, posters here just ignore facts that don't sit nicely into the narrarative of English nationalism. Instead they just throw mud at other nations.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Let's have a little chat about tax havens Lizzie, shall we? We'll call it tax havens 101.

Question: Where are the world's most notorious tax havens?

Answer: In British controlled territories. Yip that's right Lizzie those cute little British controlled tax havens like the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man and Jersey

How much money is involved? Tens of trillions, it is estimated.

You do raise an interesting point in a roundabout way though; there is a chance of Scotland being turned into a tax haven - that could happen by remaining in the UK. Let's face it, when it comes to tax havens no nation on earth has more form than Britain:) The last PM's own father made great use of them, surely you heard about that? Panama Papers, anyone? Oh I forgot, posters here just ignore facts that don't sit nicely into the narrarative of English nationalism. Instead they just throw mud at other nations.

Irish Gal you've missed the point. It's not about whether tax havens are right or wrong, it's about whether they are legal or illegal. The British colonial tax havens are legal. The EU has just declared the Irish tax evasion illegal. And since much of the recovery you keep reminding us of in the Irish economy was as a result of what are now declared to be illegal subsidies, where does that now leave Ireland, or an independent Scotland?

Irish gal

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28 August 2013
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Buddy's Mum - so the Usain Bolt by TM wasn't lost on you either!

Posters you see, have worked themselves into a frenzy about Ireland's corporate tax. I'm well used to it here. Let's face it what has that got to with Scottish Independence - nothing. It's just a big deflection from the raison d'etre of this thread, which is that English nationalism cannot countenance Scotland leaving.

Everything that TM did immediately after her election highlights this. What was her speech about outside No 10. A close analysis shows the most important elements were about preserving the union. She was at her most animated announcing herself as leader of "the conservative and Unionist party".

What was all that about. Very simply she was rebranding the party to give preservation of the union greater importance than anything else. We all know that the party is not generally known by that name, it's not used in normal parlance, it has been used in the past, but why resurrect it now??

She spouted a whole load of waffle about the equality of all the people in the UK and of the other wonderful countries like Scotland. Next day she dashed north, ahead of any other engagement or dealing with the EU crisis. She had to stop NS in her tracks and tell her - not withstanding that most Scots now wanted out, and Scotland's supposedly equal - that a second referendum was out. So much for equality -buts let's face it what equality did a colony ever have.

Since then there's been a constant churning out of articles against independence. They're from the London based press who of course have a massive bias against Scotland going. Everyone is kept well up to speed with them thanks to the Trojan work on this thread of Judgemental. You must be on a Westminister retainer at this stage J!?

If Scotland goes so will NI, it will probably go anyway, and what will happen to poor old England. Brexit was all about putting the 'great' back in GB but instead it is succeeding in turning Britain into half a small island, with all the consequent loss of status and prestige.

This is an outcome that cannot be countenanced. They had to leave the EU because they couldn't have a dominant role. Couldn't play by the rules and wanted special treatment. Couldn't get it and flounced out. Now though, as a consequence, they stand to lose the UK.

They will do anything to avoid that happening. And I will bet that if Scotland opts out in a new vote, TM will do a u turn on Brexit to avoid it happening. If this is so unimportant to the English, with posters saying how Scotland can "push off", why are they night and day posting here for over a month and a half, drumming into the Scots how it's not possible?? Why bother, why indeed. It makes no sense except in the context I'm outlining.

Scotland has never had more power then it does at this moment. It has the power to disolve the Union, something that is dreaded more than all else. It's in a really, really strong position in a union politically weighted against it. Quite an exceptional and unique place to be. Scotland's time has come.


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30 July 2008
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Let's have a little chat about tax havens Lizzie, shall we? We'll call it tax havens 101.

Question: Where are the world's most notorious tax havens?

Answer: In British controlled territories. Yip that's right Lizzie those cute little British controlled tax havens like the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man and Jersey

How much money is involved? Tens of trillions, it is estimated.

You do raise an interesting point in a roundabout way though; there is a chance of Scotland being turned into a tax haven - that could happen by remaining in the UK. Let's face it, when it comes to tax havens no nation on earth has more form than Britain:) The last PM's own father made great use of them, surely you heard about that? Panama Papers, anyone? Oh I forgot, posters here just ignore facts that don't sit nicely into the narrarative of English nationalism. Instead they just throw mud at other nations.

Missing the point again Irish gal . Let me make it clearer, my post was aimed at the fact that the EU has overruled the Eire Government on its tax policies despite your protestations that the EU does not interfere in the running of your Country. I only mentioned Scotland because your post had said that they would be able to operate in a similar way to your country which is true they would, however this would not include setting themselves as a tax haven as the EU wouldn't allow it.

You appear to have a major chip on your shoulder based on historical acts that I imagine well predate your birth, surely life is to be lived in the present and for the future. With the past (especially that older than most peoples living memories) becoming consigned to the history books.
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Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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I heard a newsflash today and though I may have got the wrong end of the stick, either Apple have offered or they've been ordered to pay to Ireland £MILLIONS in unpaid taxes.

If what I heard was correct, presumably those taxes due were from sales in England too. I wonder if we'll see any of it? What do you think Irish gal, time for a balancing of the books? :D



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Sorry, a correction, it wasn't £Millions, but 13 Billion euros! (See below).

The reason why Apple transferred all revenues to Ireland and from the UK was to avoid the Tax levies due here in the UK. Perhaps Ireland can now be added to the Cayman Island tax havens! :D


Alec I see Apple are going to 'apeel' hopefully they get some core values, if not, it's enough to give one the pip. :greedy:
Very much an EU Apple Strudel.


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7 November 2008
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I heard a newsflash today and though I may have got the wrong end of the stick, either Apple have offered or they've been ordered to pay to Ireland £MILLIONS in unpaid taxes.

If what I heard was correct, presumably those taxes due were from sales in England too. I wonder if we'll see any of it? What do you think Irish gal, time for a balancing of the books? :D


Yes indeed Alec the SCAM and thats what it is involved all sales of apple products sold within europe effectively being sold from Ireland with a ficticious sales person in Dublin. I am surprised that Irish Gal is not raising the roof with why arent we getting whats due to us. In 2014 they effectively paid 50( yes fifty) euros in tax on every million that was subject to tax . Maybe Irish Gal is paying the same rate? The large multi nationals seam to play by their own rules . 13 Billion for all their protestations is merely petty cash to Apple as they have many times that in cash reserves that they desperately are trying to keep away from any tax authority. The amount owed would run the Irish health system for a full 12 months . Do you honestly not feel short changed Irish Gal. What I find extraordinary is your government accepts this when for the last few years you have been in economic meltdown ,maybe now your people actually are aware of what they are getting away with your leaders may have to change their attitude because I am sure some of the Government protest are because Apple effectively have told them to bark. The Americans are squealing as well not because they think its unfair to tax that money but because they want it!!!! Why do all these Governments pussy foot around the multi nationals. Next thing we will be hearing about all the things Apple do for charity well I could if I didnt pay any tax.
I must admit I had to chuckle after we had been told the EU do not interfere in sovereign government issues for this to raise its head!! Could not have been better timing to remind people of the powers that Brussels holds over all of us and just for a change they have done something creditable!
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18 June 2010
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I simply do not understand the agenda that Sturgeon and the SNP seem to be following, especially in light of the subject person's speech in Sterling.

Please could one or several of you bright Scot's people explain.

I say that in the certain knowledge VAT on home heating and fuel is going to be reduced to virtually nothing, whereas the EU insists the level is a minimum of what 7% give or take.

Then there is Barnett which would vanish, amongst other things, coupled to huge amounts of money Scotland would be required to contribute to the EU.

Just don't understand.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Let's have a little chat about tax havens Lizzie, shall we? We'll call it tax havens 101.

Question: Where are the world's most notorious tax havens?

Answer: In British controlled territories. Yip that's right Lizzie those cute little British controlled tax havens like the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man and Jersey

How much money is involved? Tens of trillions, it is estimated.

You do raise an interesting point in a roundabout way though; there is a chance of Scotland being turned into a tax haven - that could happen by remaining in the UK. Let's face it, when it comes to tax havens no nation on earth has more form than Britain:) The last PM's own father made great use of them, surely you heard about that? Panama Papers, anyone? Oh I forgot, posters here just ignore facts that don't sit nicely into the narrarative of English nationalism. Instead they just throw mud at other nations.

Who cares what the former prime ministers father did its in no relevant to this debate .
I have no idea what your saying about English nationalism on here why can't the English express views it's considered fine for the Irish or Scottish to do .
Surely it just fair .
The Irish / Apple thing is not played out yet .
The money if it's ever paid will be going from Ireland to the countries that the EU judge it should have been paid in Ireland will just be the European tax collector .
As for Scotland as a tax haven I think there's little chance of that with the SN's in charge .
The U.K. is coming out of the EU I would love to understand why , except financial self interest the SN's are so keen Staying in the EU with all the loss of control it entails , while remaining so anti in a union that they entered into freely ( but admittedly bankrupt ) over two hundred years ago.

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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Who cares what the former prime ministers father did its in no relevant to this debate . …….. .

But it is relevant. The former prime minister will inherit that wealth, the wealth that was quite legally squirrelled away, upon his mother's death, and the best bit is that very same former prime minister was (though I doubt still is) up in arms over these loopholes, loopholes from which he will benefit, one day.

It's entirely relevant, I'd say! :)



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28 March 2011
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But it is relevant. The former prime minister will inherit that wealth, the wealth that was quite legally squirrelled away, upon his mother's death, and the best bit is that very same former prime minister was (though I doubt still is) up in arms over these loopholes, loopholes from which he will benefit, one day.

It's entirely relevant, I'd say! :)


Relevant to apples tax affairs within europe ,it's just not .


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Bearing in mind Sturgeon now favors the German Flag alongside the Saltier at Burk House, instead of the Union Flag, one cannot help wondering if their is a tincture of treason on the air, especially in the light of the following.

"'SHAMELESS' Sturgeon's latest independence drive could be ILLEGAL, say furious Tories

CALLS for an urgent investigation to be carried out into whether the Scottish National Party’s new independence initiative breaks election laws have been made.

PUBLISHED: 15:17, Fri, Sep 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 19:26, Fri, Sep 2, 2016
Ruth Davidson/ Nicola Sturgeon/ Scottish flagGETTY
Scot Tories claimed the national survey launched by Sturgeon is a a "potential breach" of the law
Scottish Conservatives have written to the Electoral Commission claiming the national survey launched by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is a "potential breach" of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000".

Frankly the SNP and Sturgeon are making complete bl..dy fools of the Scots and Scotland and it's time responsible people in Scotland stopped this nonsense.

It will not surprise me if she faces charges or indeed is arrested.

This subject must be a major issue in the minds of many, bearing in mind this thread has now exceeded 20,000 views.

Punishment of offences of a "potential breach" of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000".

(1)Schedule 20 makes provision for the punishment of offences under this Act.
(2)In relation to an offence under any provision specified in the first column of that Schedule, the second column shows—
(a)whether the offence is punishable on summary conviction only or is punishable either on summary conviction or on conviction on indictment; and
(b)the maximum punishment (or, in the case of a fine on a conviction on indictment, the punishment) which may be imposed by way of fine or imprisonment on a person convicted of the offence in the way specified;
and, where that column shows two alternative penalties that may be imposed on a person convicted in the way specified, as a further alternative both of those penalties may be imposed on him.
(3)In the second column of that Schedule—
(a)“Level 5” means a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale;
(b)“statutory maximum” means a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum; and
(c)any reference to [F151 weeks,] 1 year or 6 months is a reference to a term of imprisonment not exceeding [F151 weeks,] 1 year or 6 months (as the case may be).
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surely that is the other way round, one is indeed arrested then faces charges....

Depending on how one reads the act, in any event and which ever way one wants to look at the legislation.

Yes one is arrested and then charged. (Picky)

Clearly there are serious sanctions for such an offence, including imprisonment exceeding a year!
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